Planet Apocalypse is an exciting co-operative game for 1-5 players. You are post-apocalypse heroes confronting the hordes of hell! Every game is different, and every game is tense, as you battle demons from the circles of hell, and in the end strive to take down their demon lord! Send Hell back whence it came!

Planet Apocalypse was designed by Sandy Petersen, one of the best-known designers in the horror game field. In 1993, he was a key designer for the ground-breaking video game Doom. In 2015, he released Cthulhu Wars. Now he returns to the topic of apocalyptic horror.

The art and style of the game was all created by Keith Thompson, whose work is well-known in both films and games.

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen


Keith Thompson

Planet Apocalypse for 5e Fantasy

The Ultimate Sourcebook to bring the Apocalypse to any fantasy world!

Dark Lords always seem to threaten the world. This time, that threat becomes real. Your fantasy world actually gets destroyed as it becomes another Planet Apocalypse!

A unique new product for 5e Fantasy, the Planet Apocalypse book provides rules and guides to turn any fantasy world into a post-apocalyptic landscape where the heroes fight alongside surviving remnants to merely stymie the fiendish hordes. 

This 350+ page tome includes new subclasses, new feats, new spells, new magic items, THREE adventures, a complete guide on what it means to bring the apocalypse to your fantasy world, 15 Arch Lords whose Shadows literally manifest their own Hells, and a bestiary boasting more than 70 monster stat blocks!

Want a preview? Download a free sample of Planet Apocalypse for 5e!

Unleash Hell!  Present your heroes with the ultimate challenge - facing the Apocalypse of their world!


Download and print the FREE Planet Apocalypse character sheet for your game!

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen


Keith Thompson

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen


Keith Thompson

Awards & Reviews

Board Game Quest


If you want to play a challenging, cooperative game, then Planet Apocalypse is definitely worth checking out. The excellent production values and balanced gameplay should make any gamer happy. If you want to increase the difficulty, the game comes with multiple rules to do so and includes flawed but cool heroes that can upgrade to match most challenges.

-Brian Winters, Board Game Quest

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Hunter & Cron


"Alex und Becki von dem YouTube Kanal "Die Nische" werfen sich in den finsteren Abgrund von Planet Apocalypse. Erlebt in diesem ersten Teil wie sich die Beiden gegen immer wieder auftauchende Monsterhorden stellen und sich ihren Weg in Richtung Lady Stheno bahnen."

-- Hunter & Cron - Brettspiele, YouTube

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Die Nische


"Es ist soweit. Das mit Abstand am heißesten erwarteste Spiel von Becki hat sich nun endlich einer intensiven Marathonsitzung unterziehen lassen können."

-- Die Nische, YouTube

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Meeple University


If you like minis... you'll probably like this game... pretty smooth, and feels well balanced

-Stella, Meeple University - YouTube Channel

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Game Tyrant


"Sandy Petersen has built something really fun here. Cthulhu Wars was not a one-time hit...If you enjoy cooperative games where victory depends on smarts, perseverance, and a little bit of luck, then Planet Apocalypse is something you should check out."

Devon Norris,

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Guild Master Gaming


"Petersen Games has another hit boardgame with this demonic apocalypse."

Guild Master Gaming,

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Shut Up and Sit Down


"Planet Apocalypse for me, has cemented Sandy Petersen as the king of games where you roll dice and things die.  It's what you want Risk to be."

Shut Up and Sit Down,

Listen To The Review (at marker 12:53)

Fuzzy Llamas


“I absolutely love this game! It has really climbed the list of one of my favorite games now and I highly doubt that will change anytime soon. ”

Fuzzy Llama Reviews,

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BoardGame Geek


“The only "bad" thing about the game is that the countless other ones in my collection have become purely ornamental. No one wants to play anything else :} ”

-Anthony Rubbo,

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Over The Top Gaming


Humanity is on the ropes, and unknown heroes need to step up.If you like coop games, this is a good one! It’s like a steamroller coming at you on a conveyer belt, with lots of variety and strategic elements. It has a lot of pop on the table and huge components. I can also play it solo, and it has lots of staying power. Two thumbs up!. ”

-Over The Top Gaming, YouTube Channel

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BoardGame Geek


“Overall, very pleased with the game. It was a lot of good, tense fun, which is essential for a co-op. There's a fair bit of dramatic tension too, in the form of the 'hell clock' and the steady advancement of the Lord along the map. I'll share more thoughts after our next game. ”

-Montgomery Mullen,

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Unpaid Playtester


“Planet Apocalypse is the best co-op asymmetric strategy game I've played.  The group dynamics, unique characters, createive talents, and different big bosses make each playthrough feel as fun and exciting as the first.”

-Ron Searcy, unpaid playtester

Jamie Bergman


“My favorite hero I have played is a farm girl.  Her disadvantage is that she always has to spend the funds from the shared pool before she can spend any of her personal wealth.  Basically she is too naive to think about the consequences of her actions.  The look on the faces of the other players when they know it is her turn to go first is priceless.  I have never enjoyed disadvantages in a game like I do Planet Apocalypse.  Planet Apocalypse is an intense game where the character weaknesses are as much fun to play as their strengths.”

-Jamie Bergman, gaming personality

Unnamed Tester


“The most fun I've ever had having my soul devoured by a demonspawn.”

— Unnamed tester

Adam Starks


“Planet Apocalypse: the game that relegates Zombicide to the dust bin!”

-Adam Starks, legendary game critiquer

Chase Norton


“I have had the opportunity to play this a few times and it is going to be a great co-op game! Can't wait to play it with my group of friends.

A few cool things about it:

  • Players can easily be added mid-game.  PA has a simple and balanced scaling feature.
  • Deep Strategy
  • Character Progression
  • A pool of 'gifts' make each game unique.  Your character will never progress the same way twice.
  • Legions add a special attribute to the demon hordes that changes once or twice a game, makeing each fresh.
  • Multiple maps add lots of variety.
  • THE FIGURES! I have the honor of painting the first batch of resin prototypes so I can confirm the models are among the best creature designs in my gam elibrary.  Very creative, varied, and horrifying.

I am super excited for the launch on the 29th!  See you guys in the KS comments!”

-Chase Norton, famed figure painter

Dave Mendiola


“The group upgrades and troops really differentiate it, as do the difficulty of the monsters.  It feels more like a collaborate experience than everyone just kind of doing their own thing.”

-Dave Mendiola, writer and legendary gamer

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen


Keith Thompson

Planet Apocalypse News

DESIGN CORNER: New Lord September 19, 2020
DESIGN CORNER: New Hero September 13, 2020
Agent Solo Runthroughs March 17, 2020
Planet Apocalypse March 9, 2020
Planet Apocalypse is Coming! February 10, 2020

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen


Keith Thompson

General Downloads


Planet Apocalypse for 5e SAMPLE 33.42 MB 1127 downloads


Planet Apocalypse 5e Character Sheet 1.21 MB 3084 downloads


St Peters Hint Card 256.97 KB 362 downloads


Planet Apocalypse Errata Quick List 297.10 KB 1135 downloads


Lord Asmod 478.46 KB 430 downloads


Lady Scylla 509.31 KB 374 downloads


Final Battle Hint Card 378.04 KB 372 downloads


Great Cthulhu 503.00 KB 460 downloads


Bernice Kuchler 365.01 KB 381 downloads


Planet Apocalypse Rulebook (French) 20.38 MB 409 downloads

Planet Apocalypse is an exciting co-operative game for 1-5 players.  You are post-apocalypse...

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen


Keith Thompson

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen


Keith Thompson


Planet Apocalypse boasts an impressive array of expansions. The four main ones – Void Pack, Dragon Pack, Pack of the Pit and the Power Pack present progressively more difficult maps to battle on, telling the story of the apocalypse. Each pack also adds new unique Heroes and unique Demons and Demon Lords!

Demon Lord Packs

There are also many individual Demon Lords, each a terrifying and impressively large and detailed sculpt. These present unique challenges to your heroes, and can be added to any map to battle on!