Terror Paths is a tabletop cooperative experience for several players.  All players take on the role of Investigators, who work together as a team. The game comes with two maps, each with wildly different scenarios. While you can just play a one-off scenario, you can also play the game as a campaign. Keep an eye out for more Terror Paths maps, scenarios, and campaigns.
All the investigators can move and take actions simultaneously, while they puzzle out arcane mysteries, gain insight, and find the tools they need to stave off the Menace. As the adventure begins, you don't know how to defeat your opposition or even what that opposition consists of!

Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen
Lincoln Petersen


Alyssa McCarthy
Graey Erb

After the investigators take their turn, the Menace advances. Threat increases, Doom rises, and terrible events occur.  Keep in mind that the game has a time limit - if you delay too much, you are ruined. Draw back the veil and embark upon the Terror Path!

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Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen
Lincoln Petersen


Alyssa McCarthy
Graey Erb

Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen
Lincoln Petersen


Alyssa McCarthy
Graey Erb

Awards & Reviews

Coming Soon!

Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen
Lincoln Petersen


Alyssa McCarthy
Graey Erb

Call of Cthulhu Terror Paths News

Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen
Lincoln Petersen


Alyssa McCarthy
Graey Erb

General Downloads


Terror Paths Rulebook 6.85 MB 1481 downloads


    Coming Soon!

    Game Stats

    Game Design

    Sandy Petersen
    Lincoln Petersen


    Alyssa McCarthy
    Graey Erb

    Coming Soon!

    Game Stats

    Game Design

    Sandy Petersen
    Lincoln Petersen


    Alyssa McCarthy
    Graey Erb