Mini Offer of the Month
We’ve bundled together all the miniatures that are essential for your Big Sleep campaign, which will start shipping in February. Purchase them as a set and receive a 10% discount! Subscribe to our Cthulhu Mythos Sagas campaigns, and receive an EXTRA 10 % OFF all miniatures — all the time (including this bundle).
The Big Sleep Essentials Bundle:
· Acolyte Pack x3
· Byakhee Pack x1
· Formless Spawn Pack x2
· High Priest Pack x1
· Nightgaunt Pack x2
· Serpent Man Pack x2
· Shantak Pack x1
· Tsathoggua Pack x1
· Wizard Pack x1

Minis Turned Into Art

Planet Apocalypse Minis are Here!
The new year starts off not too shabby if you are into our minis! Now you can get our monstrous horror of Planet Apocalypse figures to enhance your RPG games, to paint or just collect them. All the figures that could originally only be had by purchasing the entire Planet Apocalypse game can now be ordered individually!
Shop now and use the filter menu on the left to select the very bottom “PA Miniature” button.
Here are examples of the Fiend, Larva, Stroma, and Hortator blister packs, but there are over a dozen options to pick from.

Mini Offer of the Month
We’ve bundled together all the miniatures that are essential for a Dark Worlds campaign! Purchase them as a set and receive a 10% discount! Subscribe to our Cthulhu Mythos Sagas campaigns, and receive an EXTRA 10 % OFF all miniatures — all the time (including this bundle).

Mini Offer of the Month
We’ve bundled together all the miniatures we feel are essential to your Dark Worlds campaign! Purchase as a set and receive a 10% discount! Subscribe to our Cthulhu Mythos Sagas campaigns, and receive an extra 10% off all miniatures — all the time (including this bundle).