Meet the Monster: Atomic Brain

Meet the Monster: Atomic Brain

Call of Cthulhu Terror Paths is a tabletop cooperative experience for several players. All players take on the role of Investigators, who work together as a team. The game comes with two maps, each with wildly different scenarios. Coming in 2022.
In this installment, Sandy introduces the Monster Atomic Brain.

P.S. Sign up here to receive Sandy’s special newsletter for Terror Paths and get some exclusive previews and content.

Meet the Monster: Atomic Brain

The atomic brain lives! The atomic brain speaks! The atomic brain commands!

The atomic brain steals your knowledge and mind!

New Spell from SPCM Pathfinder 2e

New Spell from SPCM Pathfinder 2e

New Spell Featured in Sandy Petersen’s Cthulhu Mythos for Pathfinder 2nd Edition 

Check out Flesh Decoy, a new and powerful spell from our upcoming 2nd Edition of Sandy Petersen’s Cthulhu Mythos for Pathfinder.

Flesh Decoy: Uncommon / Abjuration

You divert the triggering spell to target the corpse you fed from, likely foiling the magic. Flesh decoy attempts to counteract the triggering spell. If successful and either the spell can affect a corpse or the creature you fed from has returned to life, the spell changes to target that corpse or creature.

If flesh decoy counteracted a spell of 3rd level or lower, you understand its basic effects and have enough information to Learn that Spell if you do so while the duration lasts.

This upcoming release is already available for purchase as a PDF, and your full purchase price of $19.99 can be deducted from the price of the physical book when it gets released at the end of March!

Sandy of Cthulhu: How to Steal an Idea

Sandy of Cthulhu: How to Steal an Idea

Sandy of Cthulhu: How to Steal an Idea

In his latest Sandy of Cthulhu YouTube video, Sandy tells a story about sitting on a panel at a convention with Gary Gygax from TSR. Gary answered the question, “What games do you play and how do they influence your game?” with something quite surprising!

What is the role of “inspiration” that we get from others? Is it ok to expand on someone’s ideas and make them better? Find out what Sandy believes about this highly discussed and sometimes controversial topic.

If you haven’t subscribed already, make sure to subscribe and get notified every week when Sandy posts his latest unique style of conversation: Horror Investigation, Gaming Practicum, Movie Madness, or Science Speculation.

Heard you (accidentally) mention Stalker… that, Roadside Picnic, and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games are wonderful examples of life imitating art imitating life imitating art…

Brews & Boardgames Solo Playthrough of Planet Apocalypse

Brews & Boardgames Solo Playthrough of Planet Apocalypse

Brews & Boardgames Solo Playthrough of Planet Apocalypse


Enjoy watching Andrew play the game solo, or advance to the Discussion section to hear his thoughts on the game and components. Watch

Note: We have limited stock of the Planet Apocalypse core games, and we are in the process of reprinting. More Info

You can also get our RPG version, Planet Apocalypse for 5e plus blister packs with individual miniatures (massive) from the game. More info