Announcing Sandy Petersen’s Cthulhu Mythos – Brown Jenkin Edition

In team meetings earlier this year, some of our RPG fans expressed an interest in creating a pocket edition of SPCM for 5e. It would be more portable, less expensive, and easier to reference quickly. It also makes a great gift!

Anouncing Sandy Petersen’s Cthulhu Mythos for 5e: Brown Jenkin Edition!

This miniature soft-bound version has been submitted to the printer and is expected to arrive hopefully on time for the holidays.

Big disclaimer: the Shipping Apocalypse is still underway and pretty much all of our projects have been delayed because of the worldwide shipping bottlenecks in major ports everywhere. But we are hoping!

Who is Brown Jenkin anyway? Brown Jenkin appears in Lovecraft’s story Dreams in the Witch House, and it is an extremely unusual entity.  It is an old fashioned type of horror – a small rat-like monster with humanoid face and paws. More like the image of a medieval witch’s familiar than a tentacled Lovecraftian thingy! See if you can find him on the cover of this new edition.