
A 3D space station building game

This fast-paced, family friendly board game is at once competitive and cooperative!  Players collectively build the space station, but by connecting module in ways that benefit themselves at the expense of others.  Each turn players buy a module and connect it, thus earning them more revenue.  Though easy to learn, the tactics are endless!

Buy. Build. Earn.

Playing Startropolis is easy.  Each round takes place over three phases.


There are 6 different types of modules in Startropolis and each one earns revenue in a different way.  Players take turns purchasing modules form the construction track.


In reverse turn order, each player attaches their module to the communal space station.  As modules are attached, every affected player should adjust their income track.  That's right, when you attach a module in Startropolis, it not only can effect your earning potential, but your opponents as well.


Each player collects their income based on their attached modules.  then, a new player order is determined and a new round begins!

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Jeff Petersen
Tony Mastrangeli


Kent Hamilton
Brian Patterson

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Jeff Petersen
Tony Mastrangeli


Kent Hamilton
Brian Patterson

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Jeff Petersen
Tony Mastrangeli


Kent Hamilton
Brian Patterson

Awards & Reviews

Dice Tower


(Startropolis 2) "...It looks so awesome! …you can imagine a space station looking like this…The rulebook is great!  I especially like that the rulebook includes expansion stuff.  I like Startropolis…"

-Tom Vasel

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Geek Dad


“...Overall, I think I’d recommend Startropolis for those who like the idea of construction and the puzzle of maximizing revenue. If you don’t enjoy spatial reasoning puzzles, it’s probably not a good fit for you. Also, stay tuned with the Kickstarter page to see what stretch goals are unlocked, because there will probably be additional modules (which I haven’t seen yet) added to the game if those are funded.”

-Jonathan H. Liu at

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Dice Tower


“I was so fascinated with how unique it was...I really love that concept and I can't wait to see this one.”

-Tom Vasel

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Rahdo Runs Down Startropolis


“...this is a fairly cutthroat game. Now, if you don't mind that, it works great...this is a really good, family friendly, gateway style game, provided you've got a family that's ready to look for ways to cut each other off and maximize their own income while building a lovely, wonderful Startropolis...”

— Rahdo

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Startropolis is a modular tabletop game from Petersen Games, which allows players to build a variety of modules onto the circular “core” of a 3D space station to generate revenue. These modules look like highly detailed building blocks (think a souped-up version of K’Nex), which come in different colors and can be arranged in a variety of ways to create space stations in all sorts of shapes and sizes.”

-Brandy Berthelson

Read the full review!

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Jeff Petersen
Tony Mastrangeli


Kent Hamilton
Brian Patterson

Startropolis News

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Sandy Petersen

Art Director:

Rich Fleider

General Downloads


Startropolis Rulebook + Expansions 6.42 MB 293 downloads

Startroplis The Nexus suddenly birthed from nothing. It was just a weak spot in space,...

    Game Info

    Game Stats

    Game Design

    Jeff Petersen
    Tony Mastrangeli


    Kent Hamilton
    Brian Patterson


    The current version of Startropolis is undergoing changes to correct mass manufacturing errors in the plastic pieces. Some copies of the game may have modules that fit together as intended, but others may not. As a result, we are re-tooling the plastic pieces and will then re-manufacture them. See here for more details (link).

    Game Info

    Game Stats

    Game Design

    Jeff Petersen
    Tony Mastrangeli


    Kent Hamilton
    Brian Patterson

    The Modules

    The Cards


    Nova Box

    The Nova Box expansion adds SIX new types of modules!  Each operates differently from the six core game module types.  This expansion also comes with Advanced Modules cards to replace basic module cards, rendering each color of each module unique!

    You can also now play with Mission Cards that provide new secret missions that give you extra revenue for the game end.

    And finally, with the Nova box each player can be a different Alien Faction, each with its own unique permanent ability, as well as a once per game ability!

    New Modules

    Advanced Faction Cards

    Mission Cards