Hogarth & Kobold King
For the Order, we are unlocking Hogarth, one of the favorite heroes of the Orcs Must Die! Unchained beta. He is a frost-based character, who is also a shield – a “tank” if you’re familiar with MMO terminology. He works the same in our boardgame. He is the sturdiest of all the heroes in the game, and helps shield his friends from the enemy, so he’s good to be in the same room with. Though he is a “defensive” hero, he is just as useful on the offense, protecting your attacking forces from the foe, so they can deliver their damage.

Hogarth Orcs Must Die
For the Unchained, we are unlocking the Kobold King, a cunning sneak. He scavenges discarded items and uses treachery and cunning to win. In the team game, he is at his best when he is hanging around the enemy players to cause trouble. This is in direct contrast to Hogarth – not that Hogarth fears the enemy, but that he shines when he is associating with friendly players! The Kobold King is really fast and flexible, and as he gains his upgrades, by the final onslaught of the game he is the fastest of all the heroes.

Kobold King Orcs Must Die