It’s the Feds!
How do unique Investigators work?
If you have The Blood Ceremony expansion (part of the Dunwich Pledge Level), then you already are on track for getting 10 special investigators. To use these, at the game start, you randomly shuffle your 11 investigators together (the 10 from Blood Ceremony, and the Federal Agent once we reach her), then pull the top 3 cards and arrange them on your card display. The card display should be showing three investigators, three monsters, and three chambers.
Above the three investigators are numbers – respectively 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6. When a raid happens, the activating player must roll 1d6 and compare it to these number ranges. For example, if the Federal Agent is under the 5-6 section of the display, and a 5 or a 6 is rolled, then she’s the attacker! Post-raid, replace her with another investigator, drawn from the top of the deck. If a 1-4 is rolled, some other investigator will be the attacker. However, the Federal Agent stays on the card display – an everpresent threat.
In this way, you have an idea of which investigators are lurking in the sunlight, waiting to descend upon you, but you can’t be sure exactly which one is imminently on the way.
The Federal Agent’s Menace
The Federal Agent has two strings to her bow. First, because the wheels of the feds grind slowly and bureaucratically, your cultists in the asylum and escape space block 2 raid strength each, instead of 1. The idea here is that the feds are lulled into quiescence when they see that so many of your guys are locked up or on the run.
Second, she introduces the new Post-Raid ability, which is shared by a number of investigators. This ability is generally controlled by the player who is responsible for launching the raid, and is an extra bonus or incentive for him. In this case, after the raid is resolved, the player (with luck, you), gets to choose an opponent, who then has to bump an acolyte from the pool to the escape space, basically meaning that he has 1 less action he can take that turn.