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- Create Date September 28, 2021
- Last Updated September 28, 2021
SPCM Pathfinder 2e SAMPLE
Please enjoy this 38 page sample of Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos for Pathfinder 2e
What's In the Book?
- Everything from the original SPCM in the 2e system
- Some art from the first book, plenty of new art (and no photos of painted miniatures), including dozens of illustrations commissioned for this book.
- New Great Old One (Elder Influence) Stats: Nodens and the Watcher of the Green Pyramid
- New Monsters and New Variants of monsters, including Elder Thing Polymath; Gnorri Sculptor; Gug Brute; Mi-go Thinker; Elder Shoggoth, Yithian Sage and more
- Dreamlands Cat Fighting Styles
- New Feats, new Traps for Rogues
- New Alien Technology and Magic Items
- New Spells
- The page count is 529 BEFORE indexes (which aren't yet done) and backmatter!