Welcome to Glorantha: Live Stream

Welcome to Glorantha: Live Stream

Submit Questions, Learn More, and Become a Late Backer

Monday, March 2, 9:00am CST

Sandy and Jeff Richard (from Chaosium who publishes Glorantha) will answer your questions about the lore of mythical Glorantha. Join this live event on our Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/petersengames

Submit your questions ahead of time. Time permitting, they will also take live quesions during the event. Submit questions.

For example, “Is there such a thing as a beginner’s guide to Glorantha? Where do you start?”

Watch the replay (available one week after live broadcast): https://www.facebook.com/PetersenGames

Can I Buy the Gods War Reprint Later?

Can I Buy the Gods War Reprint Later?

Arthur Petersen recently posted a lengthy update on Kickstarter explaining the decision making process for establishing quantities for manufacture of a given game. You can read it here.

Based on the level of success for The Gods War Reprint and the high cost of making the huge “minis”, we probably won’t be ordering a large overprint for the general retail market.

We want to give you a heads up, so if you were planning on getting any expansion for The Gods War or finally get a copy of the core game, NOW is the time to do so!

How? As a Late Backer

The Gods War

The Gods War

My First Impressions by Grey Wizard Gaming

I recently did a live play with a bunch of other Youtubers with Sandy Petersen guiding us. Its super cool and without knowing how to play at all, I was able to finish second.

You have a lot of interesting monsters that are easier to understand than Lovecraft monsters. The important thing is… It’s a super fun game! 

<iframe class="frame-w-shadow" width="760" height="420" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Hr6iCSLPoMM" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Can I Buy the Gods War Reprint Later?

A Song for Gods

New Audio Project for The Gods War

We recently made an agreement with our French partners Raphael and Dorian, who will be composing and recording music to play during your Glorantha: The Gods Wars games.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for information about their Kickstarter and how to get your copy.

LindyBeige Reviews The Gods War

LindyBeige Reviews The Gods War

In his new video ~ LindyBeige played his first full game of The Gods War during our recent Kickstarter campaign on our live simulator broadcast. We don’t think he knew what to expect…. but since he won, of course he loves the game!

<iframe class="frame-w-shadow" width="760" height="420" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jVHCMhbEF0E" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>