Official Release Date for The Anatomical Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors

Official Release Date for The Anatomical Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors

This project has been under development for two years, and is finally completed and printed. This book is being shipped now, and you can officially purchase it from our website beginning March 29.

What is the deep one skeletal structure? How does the byakhee hune organ allow them to travel through interstellar space? What organs and biological material make up the mysterious and ancient flying polyps?

These questions and more will be answered in Luis Merlo’s groundbreaking scientific study of the anatomy, biology, and ecology of more than two dozen Lovecraftian horrors! Luis Merlo, a doctor from Ecuador, turned his medical knowledge to analyzing the many beings from beyond he had encountered.

Knowing of Sandy Petersen’s knowledge and experience with such beings (being Cthulhu’s Van Helsing, if you will), he contacted Sandy with the intent to publicize and publish his esoteric findings. Unfortunately, through a series of mysterious events, Luis Merlo has been missing, but luckily his writings have been found and preserved to be published posthumously on his behalf. 

Official Release Date for The Anatomical Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors

A Second Unusual Letter from Dr. Luis Merlo to Sandy

A second unusual letter from his friend, Dr. Luis Merlo has piqued Sandy’s curiosity and he is uncertain whether the images being described truly exist, or whether his friend has lost his sanity. The drawings seem authentic but are disturbing … and Sandy wonders whether the upcoming release of The Anatomical Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors might unhinge its readers.

“Dear Sandy,

I am pleased to know that you found and rescued the manuscript, and I trust you will do the right thing in publishing it. I must apologize for taking so long to write since my last letter, but I have been taking care of some business here, both regarding my own health and my study.

While the depersonalization symptoms remain, I am glad to share that I haven’t experienced any new seizures. My physical strength also seems to be coming back despite the slight fever, and yesterday I was able to eat a normal diet without further problems. Sadly, my memory and sleep have not recovered so well, and are impairing my attempts to retake my work as quickly as I’d like to. I must say that while I believed my sleeping problems were due to stress, I now fear that my deep sleep cycle has been disturbed by automatisms and somnambulism. Sadly, I cannot risk exposure to any form of ionizing radiation or electromagnetic fields to help with diagnosis, so I’ll have to stick with clinical observation.

Regarding my study, there’s good and bad news. Sadly, a proper visit will have to be postponed indefinitely since I cannot ensure the safety of the laboratory at the moment.

As you witnessed yourself, most of my previous residence and dissection lab are gone. While I was successful in recovering a few tissue samples, most of the bodies have disappeared. A quick survey of the fissures inside the lab demonstrated large geologic formations of some kind well beyond the limits of my estate. Because of this, I decided to seal the lab until I can confirm its structural integrity and close the chamber. You’ll be glad to know that most of my book collection is intact, with only superficial damage to some pages and a couple of missing texts.

I cannot say for how long most of my book collection was destroyed. Some were recovered, but most were corrupted with the corpses of the vertebrates. You will see them when you come here next week, as agreed. The material was stored behind the junction but carbon texts have to be consolidated and the images. Despite this, I believe I will be able to retake it soon. I hope some of the material I have gathered will help me clear out some theories about their ecology, at least until I can travel again.

I am optimistic regarding the future, even if writing is not as easy as before. I trust I will recover soon and continue where I left.


The Arkham Reporter has Discovered The Anatomical Guide to Lovecraftian Horror

The Arkham Reporter has Discovered The Anatomical Guide to Lovecraftian Horror

Do you love Lovecraft? Check out the Arkham Reporter, who reports each month on media releases pertaining to Lovecraft themed material. In his most recent update, he discusses our upcoming release, The Anatomical Guide of Lovecraftian Horrors. Our newest publication will be available for sale March 29.

Go to 3:18 in the video to learn more!

Sandy Receives an Odd Letter From Afar

Sandy Receives an Odd Letter From Afar

This unusual correspondence has piqued Sandy’s curiosity and is uncertain whether the images being described truly exist, or whether his friend Luis Merlo is going insane. The drawings seem authentic but are disturbing … and Sandy wonders whether the upcoming release of The Anatomical Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors might unhinge its readers.

“Dear Sandy,

I am not sure how to say this, but I, well, I think I’m home. It has been about a week since my return. While I’m still not sure if my perceptions are to be trusted, I am now convinced I am, in some way … back. I have yet to fully inspect the laboratory, but I can already tell everything was wrecked. The cages were broken, and the freezing chamber has been sacked. A charred body lying near the stairs was my only company during the week I spent underground after coming back. I haven’t approached it, as I do not recognize its humanoid form from any of my samples and am afraid of what I’ll find.

My recollection of what happened is hazy at best. I have been trying to tie the knots together, to separate fact from hallucination, but I fear I cannot clearly tell one from the other. I will attempt to quickly layout my memories and hopefully they will not be contaminated by confabulation or distortion.

I can remember the sample I was after, and the deal I struck. Transdimensional body parts are not easy to come by, so my contact’s offer seemed too good to be true. In the end I guess it was. I cannot remember the shape, if it had one, but it was contained in liquid. Or was it plasma? The dissection involved a Yaddithian knife. I know this because it was the only thing still in my pocket when I returned. I was aware the creature was watching its own operation, beyond the limits of its corporeal form. I wouldn’t call it a vivisection though since it was beyond life.

My memory becomes murky after I opened the third medial cyst. The autoscopic hallucinations, the loss of self, and the sensory isolation came quickly afterwards.

Immediately after came what can only be called ego annihilation. No sense of time, space, identity, or limits. Without the slightest clear stimuli, I cannot say if I was floating in space or standing in my laboratory. I cannot tell if I ever left the room physically, or if the shapes I saw going through me were touching me or not. Can one call it pain if one has no body? I am still afraid to inspect my own skin for marks. I perceived creatures overlapping all spatial dimensions, but their forms and sounds were always beyond my reach, even as they traveled through me.

I do not know for how long I was gone, as I lost my sense of chronology and time soon after I lost my sense of identity, but I figure it was more than a month. I cannot say I woke up, as I was never unconscious, but as my senses slowly came back to me the first thing I saw was the ruined lab. At first, I couldn’t move my body, or recognize the limits of my own physical form. The intense pain and sickness kicked in around the next day. I reckon my slashed abdomen; the incessant squeals and the crawling forms under my skin were all product of delirium. Despite this, I cannot shake the feeling of unrest, of being under the wrong skin, in a buffer that isolates me from reality.”

Sadly, I fear the manuscript was either stolen or destroyed, and my journal is missing as well. I just mustered the courage to leave the lab today to write this letter in hopes you’ll believe my tale. While I am afraid of going back, I reckon I must inspect the ruins closely, as several natural openings seem to have formed after the explosion. I will also search for my notes, and any classify any remains.

This is the very reason why the public deserves to know.

I’ll keep in touch.    LM 

The Transition of Luis Merlo

The Transition of Luis Merlo

In our upcoming book The Anatomical Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors, which will be released March 29, Sandy explains how he met Dr. Luis Merlo, who initially appeared like an intelligent, talented doctor from Ecuador.

But things started to change as Dr. Merlo slowly became disturbed, fearful, and seemingly hunted by something indescribable. Read the genesis of Sandy’s relationship with this enigmatic scientist.

In 2018, Dr. Luis Merlo first contacted me with his idea for a scientific work about the otherworld entities which Howard Phillips Lovecraft first revealed to the world in the 1920s and 1930s. Naturally I assumed this would be a work of fiction, like my own Petersen’s Field Guides (1987, 1988).

But as Luis started sending me more and more of his sketches, some on paper stained by mysterious fluids, I started wondering … just where WAS he getting these? One letter came with a thumbprint stained in blood, and Luis’ cover letter mentioned that he would not be able to draw any images for a few weeks, because his arm had been “injured in a recent foray”. Once, a package came with a pungent-smelling, horny claw, which he claimed to be a Deep One’s fingernail. I was even more mystified.

At the King’s masquerade ball, an eldritch horror is unleashed, and the ultimate abomination rises above the city! Yet, this is only the beginning – volume 1 of The Big Sleep – an entire campaign devoted to exploring the terrors and wonders of the Great Old One Tsathoggua – the Sleeper.