Cipher #7

Cipher #7

Did You Crack the First Six Ciphers?

We had a lot of smart puzzle solvers who submitted their answers to our riddles! If you haven’t figured it out, they hint at something important to come!

Cipher #6

Cipher #6

Did You Crack the First Five Ciphers?

We had a lot of smart puzzle solvers who submitted their answers to our riddles! If you haven’t figured it out, they hint at something important to come!


Everything Board Game Reviews Planet Apocalypse for 5e

Everything Board Game Reviews Planet Apocalypse for 5e

“Planet Apocalypse is the D&D version of flipping the game board over and dealing with the chaos, and as such it is a campaign that is going to be memorable, dangerous, and exciting. It’s going to interrupt your 5e campaign with a literal rift from hell and overrun your players with creatures from nightmares.”

Read entire review

Cipher #5

Cipher #5

Did You Crack the First Four Ciphers?

We had a lot of smart puzzle solvers who submitted their answers to our riddles! If you haven’t figured it out, they hint at something important to come!


Sandy of Cthulhu: Gaming Practicum “DOOM Episode One and I”

Sandy of Cthulhu: Gaming Practicum “DOOM Episode One and I”

For you video game aficionados, in his recent Sandy of Cthulhu Youtube videos, Sandy has been doing a series of recordings about his days at id Software. In this episode, Sandy clears up the misunderstandings regarding his work on DOOM. Exactly how many and which levels did he work on … and who did what? Maybe John Romero will chip in again on Twitter as he has the biological advantage of Hyperthymesia …

Sandy’s engaging storytelling pulls you into his time of video game design and lets you peek behind the curtain into the lives of these groundbreaking creative wizards.