New “Rogue Snares” Featured in Sandy Petersen’s Cthulhu Mythos for Pathfinder 2nd Edition

Check out these new snares typically used by trapsetters from our upcoming Sandy Petersen’s Mythos Cthulhu for Pathfinder 2ne Edition, which you can purchase as a PDF NOW!

Anklewrencher (Item 2)
Uncommon / Consumable / Mechanical / Snare / Trap / Zoog

Price 6 gp; Access trapsetter or zoog
You dig a shallow, wide pit or align sturdy debris to disrupt a creature’s footing, and then obscure the uneven ground with loose debris. The square is difficult terrain to the first creature to enter it. A Medium or smaller creature that enters this snare’s square must attempt a DC 18 Reflex save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes a –5-foot status penalty to its Speed for 10 minutes. The penalty ends early if the creature receives any healing.
Failure As success, but the penalty is –10 feet.
Critical Failure As success, but the penalty is –15 feet and the creature falls prone.

Other snares include:

Sapling Snare
Concussion Snare
Pivot Platform

Spring Spear
Swarm Snare