Sourcebook News

New Review: The Anatomical Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors
Our friends at Unification (French) recently published ...

"The Anatomical Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors’ cuts beneath the surface. Risk your sanity and see what they’re ...

New Collector's Illustrated Novella:The Call of CthulhuNovember 13th marks 40 years since Sandy developed and ...

There is still much to be learned about the seemingly sane Dr. Luis Merlo, who approached Sandy a few years ...

Looking at this book, it shows different aliens with anatomical pictures showing what they "look like." It's a ...

"The information in the Guide could also be useful to an Investigator with a medical background, who seeks to ...

A few weeks ago we published the first letter Sandy received from Dr. Merlo claiming to have dissected and ...

"Overall, the volume is a perfect addition if one wants to use such in-depth data about different creatures, ...

"All entries to this Anatomical Guide are interesting and bizarre entities in their own right, and perhaps ...

Paul Benson recently posted his review of our latest horror reference work, now available for purchase on our ...

Watch Arthur Petersen review the book and explain how it came about. Here is a reaction from one of our ...