Extra ghoolish heroes and monsters to make your 8-Bit Attack adventure even better!
For those who are not familiar with how we typically do things, we have not offered any “Kickstarter exclusives” for several years (I believe our last project which had such a thing was Kickstarted in 2015). However, we often have products labeled “Petersen Games exclusive” which means we will sell these directly (from Kickstarter first, then our website, and at conventions), but we won’t sell them to distributors and retailers. Happy Halloween is the only PG exclusive on this Kickstarter!
The Happy Halloween Pack is only $7, as it has less content than the other expansions. And it will be free shipping if you get it along with the other four. (By itself the shipping will likely be around $2 or $3, depending on the region).
You can add it (and any other expansions) to your pledge in the pledge manager after the campaign. It will ship with the other four expansions (estimated in April 2020).