Eternal Adversary

Millennia ago, a cataclysmic event tore time apart when the agents of Chaos tried to change history and wipe out mankind. Now countless timelines of earth exist, with the different Ancient Empires of man thriving to this day. Chaos has begun the final battle to destroy all of the timelines of Earth.

A single timeline of Earth must remain for humankind. The ancient warrior societies must band together to fight for existence and Chaos must destroy Earth if they are to have a future in this final timeline.

.........Which side will you choose?

Teams: Order vs Chaos

Eternal Adversary is a 2-5 player game between two teams. Build up your hero as you play, getting tougher, faster, deadlier. Do you fight for Order? Or for Chaos? If you are Order, you can use technology to bolster your hero. Battle for Chaos, and benefit from the random hells.

The two teams perform different tasks. Order heroes seek out and destroy Chaos Rifts, helping to heal the universe. Chaos heroes seek the tokens of disorder and bear them to their dark lord. Both teams advance their respective Doom in this manner.

Ultimately, a team reaches the end of its Doom track, and the final battle begins. Both sides stake everything on one great clash. Have you gained enough experience, or injured the enemy sufficiently? Will you win in the last conflict?

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Ben Donges
Lincoln Petersen
Sandy Petersen


Kent Hamilton
Piotr Foks
Rose Miller
Taylea Stepp

We have added Eternal Adversary to Tabletopia's free Demo space.

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Ben Donges
Lincoln Petersen
Sandy Petersen


Kent Hamilton
Piotr Foks
Rose Miller
Taylea Stepp

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Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Ben Donges
Lincoln Petersen
Sandy Petersen


Kent Hamilton
Piotr Foks
Rose Miller
Taylea Stepp

Gilberto Guillen


Eternal Adversary is fun and fast! You put together your team with a variety of characters, each with unique abilities. Every combination is different in many aspects, and you never know how it will turn out.

Eternal Adversary Review by Esoteric Order of Gamers


The Esoteric Order of Games episode "Action Points #016" reviews several games including our recent KS campaign for Eternal Adversary. Check out what he has to say at minute 11 (or watch the entire episode)!

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Ben Donges
Lincoln Petersen
Sandy Petersen


Kent Hamilton
Piotr Foks
Rose Miller
Taylea Stepp

Eternal Adversary News

Game Info

Game Stats

Game Design

Ben Donges
Lincoln Petersen
Sandy Petersen


Kent Hamilton
Piotr Foks
Rose Miller
Taylea Stepp

Coming Soon

General Downloads


Eternal Adversary Rulebook (Draft) 8.81 MB 246 downloads

Who could have known that in these last few years, as we busied ourselves about our...

    Game Info

    Game Stats

    Game Design

    Ben Donges
    Lincoln Petersen
    Sandy Petersen


    Kent Hamilton
    Piotr Foks
    Rose Miller
    Taylea Stepp

    Game Info

    Game Stats

    Game Design

    Ben Donges
    Lincoln Petersen
    Sandy Petersen


    Kent Hamilton
    Piotr Foks
    Rose Miller
    Taylea Stepp


    Valerie Himmelweit, the elite warrior woman of the future Hanseatic League.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" align="middle" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Teutonic Knight

    Max Hausmann, the Teutonic Knight, sworn to scourge the enemies of mankind.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Winged Hussar

    Abram Dziak joined the 7th Cavalry, formed for the sole purpose to drive into Russia and close the rifts forming in the Urals.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Imperial Samurai

    Toshiro Miike’s ancestors had been samurai. He became the very first recruit to sign up for the new Imperial Japanese forces to battle the monsters from the rifts.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


    Maksime Zhukov was already in an elite Spetsnaz squad when the first rift appeared inside the Kremlin.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Lady of the Axe

    Agata led the first strike against the incursion of chaos in Eastern Europe, killing an atrocious Rawhead in just two blows. Now she turns her eyes to Chaos’s heart.

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    Kareem is an elite representative of the world’s oldest civilization, and has the wisdom of his nation and his elected Pharaoh at his back. His helmet and kopesh are made of titanium, and electronically powered.

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    Woad Raider

    Latrell Daly’s tattoos are an eternal reminder of his duties and abilities.

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    Battle Maiden

    Cordelia ap Gryffin led in her class in military school. She refused high command so she could take the fight directly to the enemy.

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    The living embodiment of the fureur Francais, Paulette Moreau’s life has led her to this moment of the supreme challenge, the supreme victory.

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    Knight of St George

    The fire engulfed Sir Adrian. The floor started to melt beneath him, but instead of fleeing, he swung a crowbar at the fiery monster. By the time it was dead, his uniform was on fire. He used his log book, and then his own hands to stop the blaze’s spread. The truck, with its precious cargo, was saved both from the Charhound and the fire.

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    Owl Woman

    Star Standing Bear saw the first horrors emerge from the first rift, below Thunderhead Mountain. She killed all she could, but the flow did not ebb. She rode back to the tribal council just long enough to warn them, then returned to the fray.

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    Dog Soldier

    Dull Knife is a half-breed, raised as a Cheyenne. In spite of, or perhaps because of, his heritage, he is the most radical and bold of the Dog Soldiers.

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    Gorm Christianssen was first consumed by the Ulfsark rage at the age of thirteen. From that time, his destiny and future was assured.

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    Jaguar Warrior

    10 Smoking Rabbit’s blade is edged in obsidian glass. Not due to outdated nostalgia, but because obsidian takes a sharper edge than any known metal.

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    The Cultist

    Drawn by power and a hate for humankind, these mortals seek to draw the great old ones to the shores of our universe.

    The Ghoul

    I saw the ghoul tear off the corpse’s head. But the flesh must have been too rotten: the skull simply fell out of the bottom of the face leaving a ragged flop of flesh held by its black nails.


    The ember on the ground grew into a flame and then floating up, like a demonic Aphrodite born of flaming vapors instead of sea foam, and a boiling chaos instead of a shell, stood the succubus.


    Like a hellish formation towering in the sky, his shadow burned me.


    Those goblins which the Japanese say taught the ninja their trade in ancient times.

    Chaos Mage

    He rose up slowly, held aloft with tendrils as if they were slowly prolapsing out of his body. His skullish face fixed upon me. But when I raised my weapon and aimed with the scope, he merely smiled. As if he knew I could do nothing…

    The Kappa

    I had always read in the mythos of Japan that you could bow to a Kappa and the water in the bowl on its head would fall out, making it weak. But the slimy thing loping towards me did not have any courtesy or manners in its gait. I was out of ammo, and it sprang upon me before I could unsheath my blade.

    Winter Lady

    She was beautiful, floating in the air like a goddess of ice and darkness. And she said to me, “You do not need warmth anymore.”


    All was silent until we heard the licking and smacking of pleasurable eating. Above one body a being like a nightmarish angel of darkness gleefully tore at the rotting tendons and guts of our fallen comrades.


    The thing stood there, gaunt, yet somehow muscular, holding its spear.

    Arch Lich

    Some humanity still remains in its physical form, but none in its mind or spirit. It is pure malice.

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    Chaos Elemental

    This was the source of the trouble; the thing billowed forth clouds of darkness and hate, as it clumsily stumbled along. Half-real, half-illusory, in flashes we saw a long ropy umbilicus lead from it back to the rift many miles away, as though it kept that tether, that conduit active.

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    Chaos Totem

    Something groaned in the night, and we drew our weapons. We saw a little glow, pale and horrid. At first we thought it was the trunk of a tree that glowed, and that moved towards us across the darkness. Then we saw its eyes, and that its limbs were not branches, but human.

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    I fired into its side, and light burst forth, as though it was bleeding fire. It didn’t act injured, instead its jaws opened impossibly wide and the inferno vomited forth.

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    Dark Faerie

    I heard a loathsome tittering in the darkness somewhere. I flashed my light frantically around, scanning for the source. It seemed everywhere and nowhere. Eerily sparking motes came floating down from the sky. They were beautiful, but when one touched me, it was agonizing, electric pain.

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    It spoke: "Ascend skyward forever and forever —yet thou wilt not attain the summit. Descend below the earth for billions of billions of centuries: never wilt thou reach the bottom. For there is no summit, there is no bottom; there is no Above, no Below"

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    Raw chaos billowed forth from the rift. As we prepared the demolition charges, some of the cloud swirled and took form – it seemed only a temporary state, a freak of the chaos pulses, but while it lasted, it surged among us as though it were truly live.

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    Flesh Golem

    What mad hand had stitched this together? One of its heads cried in fear and terror. Another roared in a frenzy. It writhed and twisted, as though trying to move in different directions, but despite this the Thing raced towards us at alarming speed.

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    We spotted it up by Pope Lick, Kentucky. A rancid stink filled the air, and suddenly a hairy horned beast leapt from the gully more than 10 meters onto the railroad trestle. It bayed at us and brandished a crude, but strongly-built weapon. As we rushed to grab our weapons, the goatman leapt from the trestle straight into our midst, horns, hooves, and blade whirling.

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    A voice did speak, deep and husky. The sound rose up out of the hollow, brutish and coarse and mighty. We were shaken with fear. Then the awful face rose above the gully’s edge, eyes gleaming green with bloodlust.

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    Hungry Dead

    It is forever lonely. Forever cold. Forever starved for affection. But most of all it is eternally, supernally famished for flesh and blood.

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    A guttural neighing came from the sump. We whirled to face it as the thing loomed out of the muck, dripping with algae and fungus.

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    I couldn’t breathe. I tried to run, but the road kept stretching out longer and I couldn’t get away. When I heard my dead uncle calling to me I realized it was just a dream. I struggled to wake up, but when my eyes opened, nothing had changed. Nothing.

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    Our sniper exploded its head with a single shot, but, unimpeded, it leapt into our midst, its hooves, blade, and teeth flashing. Then we realized. It was never a beast and rider. It was a single creature, with two heads and two bodies.

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    Skinless itself, it seemed to resent all whose bodies were more complete. As it worked its way through our squad, its rage increased, fueled by its own destruction.

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    We saw something like a large dog run into the house, so we followed, weapons ready. We could hear the baby crying upstairs. When we rushed in, we saw the parents’ corpses, ravaged by claws and fangs. We rushed upstairs to protect the baby, but it was alone in its crib. While Karel kept his gun pointed at the nursery door, I picked up the baby. It hugged my neck tightly. So tightly. Too late, I smelled its fetid breath and saw the “baby’s” mouth widen into a fanged crescent.

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