Game Designed by Andrew Frisch & Jason Wallenfang
Another upcoming Spring Release! Andrew Frisch recently sent us this explanation for how he got the idea for Quivit. Since he is also a very talented Graphic Designer who does freelance work for us, we were the logical place to present his ideas!
The Idea for Quivit! The Card Game came to me in 2019 while I was taking a shower. I had been wanting to create a game for the longest time, and was already working on another game that had been causing me huge frustration. I thought to myself “Maybe I need to be more simplistic,” and it was at that moment this 4 color idea hit me and a flood of ideas came rushing to my brain.
I jumped from the shower and headed straight to Target for supplies. with Supplies in hand, aka “Construction Paper and Tape,” I proceeded to cut out hundreds of colored squares, tape them together and arrange them into a grid and “PIVOT” (original title) was created.