Final Week of Dinosaur 1944 on Kickstarter!
Last Chance to Pledge!
The Dinosaur 1944 campaign already ends this Friday, so this week’s newsletter is all about our newest game—excited previews and comments are already showing up all over the world!
Be sure to watch Sandy walk through how to play Dinosaur 1944 in our newest video, located on the Kickstarter campaign page.
Now YOU Can be a Dinosaur!
The new DinoStorm expansion lets you and your friends play as a team of dinosaurs, fighting the US Military, who are trying to get to your base camp, and destroy the Time Gate. So you get to stop them.
Naturally there is a whole new set of minions – G. I.s, Rangers, Scouts, and vehicles such as Jeeps, Armored Cars, and M5 Stuart Tanks. Read entire update